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Apple Resease Information About IPAD battery indicator

There was another small dust-up this week over the new iPad and its battery, following a rash of complaints that the device charges too slowly.

Human And Robots will Do everything together in future

The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots.

Google chrome give new feture to user use chrome in every android phone

The world’s fastest browser on Android!? The super news shocked the users of Android! So now you could finally bring up your net surfing to a high speed level.

Apple Launch New Iphone5 with large LCD 4.6 inch

Apple’s new iPhone 5 will have a sharper and bigger 4.6-inch retina display and is set to be launched around the 2nd quarter, Reuter says.

New Top 5 Technology Trends For Twenties Centry

With the End-of-Year Countdown firmly underway, We’ve taken time to reflect on the last twelve months to give our forecast of the top five trends for the year ahead.

Friday 13 April 2012

Windows 8 Features and available date 64bit 32 bit for OS and developer tools

Windows, being one of the most used OS, brings great challenges for Microsoft to keep its users impressed in the next version of Windows.

Although Windows 7 has done exceptionally well since its release, Microsoft has been constantly working to make the next version of Windows a better one by further improving upon the existing features, and have added new impressive Windows 8 features along with a stunning UI.

Microsoft released the early version of Windows 8 on a prototype tablet last week. Those of you who would like to taste and experience the all new Windows 8, you can download the Developer Preview, which is currently in pre-beta version. The developer version shows off the current stage of the OS. It is available for free download, and comes in three different packages:

    (1) 64-bit version – Only the OS
    (2) 32-bit version – Only the OS
    (3) 64-bit version with developer tools

Windows 8 Features

Windows 8 offers a number of new Windows 8 features from its all new UI to Windows App Store and improvised security features. Here’s a list of new features and improvements which will arrive with Windows 8:
Support for both x86 PCs and ARM tablets

Windows 8 is the first edition of Windows which will work on both ARM based tablets and traditional x86 (as well as x32 and x64) PCs based on ARM processors from Intel and AMD.

“Support for ARM-based chipsets, touch, and sensors makes Windows 8 work beautifully on your choice of a full spectrum of devices, such as 10-inch slates with all-day battery life, ultra-lightweight laptops, and powerful all-in-ones with 27-inch high-definition screens,” Microsoft contends, in a Windows 8 Guide distributed with Windows Developer Preview
Windows To Go

The “Windows To Go” seems to be an exciting feature that basically allows Windows 8 to boot from a USB device (called as Live USB), including user’s programs, settings and files. The feature is designed to work with both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0, and on both legacy NIOS and UDFI firmware. However, Microsoft says that a user will not be able to “Hibernate” with this feature.

Windows 8“Windows To Go is a new feature in Windows 8 that enables enterprise administrators to create USB drives containing complete, managed Windows images that users can use to boot and run Windows on any Windows 7 or Windows 8 capable computer. Windows To Go makes it possible for employees to use a managed device whether they work from home, a client office or in a free seating environment. This session will discuss Windows To Go, its hardware requirements and building compatible and complementary software.”

Another interesting thing about this feature is that, if the USB drive is removed, Windows will automatically freeze, but will continue to operate if the USB drive is inserted back in the next 60 seconds after removal.
Windows Store

To compete with Apple, Windows has confirmed the introduction of a Windows Store, similar to Mac App Store, which allows users to browse through Windows applications, while developers can publish their Metro-style apps on Windows 8 devices.

Few days back, Microsoft gave a strategic view of its app store, and gave a quick demo on how it works. Microsoft revealed that the Windows App Store will be the only place where users can access the Metro-styled apps. Here’s a quick demo that shows how users will be able to buy their apps:

Ipad Most Amazing Feature launched in china Controlled Your yacht with IPAD China

The Adastra super yacht is 140 feet long, weighs 52 tons, and can travel 4,000 nautical miles at 17 knots, enough to get you from the U.S. to Europe. Designed by John Shuttleworth and constructed in China by McConaghy Boats, the Adastra can fit up to nine guests along with its six crew members. All that and you can control the vessel from your iPad. You can see more of the Cylon Raider of the sea in the gallery below.

China Beat every record of google 700 million people open and read google in china

Google data centers are known all over the world for their eco friendliness, so the word of three brand new data centers to open in China is a welcome piece of news in the industry.

Despite political tension between US and China, and some uncomfortable past experiences regarding search censorship and the infamous hacking incident, Google is bringing its ethical data center practices to Asia with $700 million total investment, said Google’s Asian-Pacific President Daniel Alegre.

If past experience of eco-friendly data centers is anything to go by the new center will be built according to the green standards Google has embraced in all of its data centers and offices since the beginning of the company.

This time around Google is piloting a unique cooling system to be used at the Taiwan data center. According to a Google spokesperson, the new method is based on nighttime cooling and thermal energy storage system. Large quantities of water will be cooled at night when the temperatures are at their lowest and power resources more readily available. Cool water will be stored in special insulated tanks where the low temperatures will be retained. In the daytime when temperatures rise and power is more costly, this cold water will be used to cool the data center.

In the past Google data centers became famous for using ‘free’ cooling techniques such as using the surrounding air and used toilet water to cool Google facilities.

The new data centers in China will provide users faster access to a variety of Google products and help meet the high demand for online services in the fastest growing new Internet user community in the world.

The opening of the $300 million Taiwan center is scheduled for the second half of 2013, with the other two centers to follow later.

With the construction of data centers in Hong Kong and Singapore already in progress, Google boasts a presence in 12 countries in the Asia Pacific region, including Indonesia and Thailand. The Eastern expansion of the global giant can mean more business opportunities and better connectivity in that region.

Blackberry Playbook with amazing features and more comfortable then blackberry phone

After experiencing both the ups and downs in the smartphone market, Research In Motion (RIM) is now trying to make its way in the tablet industry as well. The new Blackberry PlayBook tablet is the company’s first effort in this regard. Released in April 2011, this tablet is working really hard to make some productive revenue for its developers, if nothing else. We’ll now take a look at the goods and bads of this device in detail. So jump in!
Blackberry PlayBook Specs and Features
The tablet features 1 GHz dual core processor and 1 GB of Random-Access Memory (RAM). It has a distinctive 7-inch LCD screen with WSVGA 1024 x 600 pixel resolution,and acapacitive panel with multi-touch capabilities. The compact screenmakes this tabletreally handy by reducing its total weight to 0.9 lbs, which is much lighter as compared to the iPad.
PlayBook is backed by the new Blackberry Tablet OS with QNX technology, an operating system that also supports symmetric multiprocessing. The device also flaunts twin 1080p HD cameras ideal for making high-quality videos and video conferencing. The rear camera is 5 mega-pixels and the front-facing camera is 3 mega-pixels, definitely better than the low-quality iPad cameras in every way.Not just that, this Blackberry Tablet also have 1080p HDMI output; GPS; accelerometer; stereo speakers and microphones; digital compass; micro USB port; and 6-axis motion sensor (gyroscope). In terms of connectivity, the device can be connected through Bluetooth (2.1+ EDR) or Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n).Later, it will be updated to support WiMax, LTE, and HSPA+ as well, probably by the end of this year.
The Blackberry PlayBook release took place on April 19, 2011 with Best Buy being its preferred retailer in the USA. The device is available in three models, differentiating each other on the basis of external storage and also prices. Therefore, the 16 GB PlayBook is priced at $499, 32 GB at $599, and the 64 GB version is available at $699 in North America.

BlackBerry Faq's And unlocking tips and tricks

First, you should understand why phones are locked in the first place. Network providers lock phones so that that you are forced to use their network at their rates. No other SIM card will work in their phones. You cannot take advantage of better rates from other providers. A locked phone is subject to roaming charges.

When you unlock your phone, you are free of these restrictions. There is no more restriction placed on the phone by a network carrier.

Are there advantages to unlocking my phone?

After a phone is unlocked, you are free to use any network and any SIM card of your choosing. You can insert and use SIM cards purchased while abroad and take advantage of better rates for calls and SMS messaging.

You no longer pay roaming charges, and you can switch back and forth between carriers/networks. Other advantages are the increased resale value of your phone. Locking is a guaranteed safe procedure for your phone and cannot harm it.

What is a SIM?

A SIM stands for a 'subscriber information module'. It is a chip inserted into a GSM handset and allows the phone to work within a given network. It identifies who you are, knows to send calls to you when your number is dialed and also controls your calling rates according to your contract or pay-as-you go carrier plan.

How do I know if my phone is locked or not?

That's a simple one. Just borrow a SIM card from a friend that comes from an alternative carrier from yours. If the phone works, your phone is unlocked. If you get an error message, it means that your phone is locked.

Do I have to unlock my phone every time I change SIM cards?

No. Once unlocked, your phone stays unlocked.

Do I save money by unlocking my phone?

Yes. While you will still be paying your provider the usual monthly rate, you can save money by using other SIM cards for other regions or countries if you are traveling. You can avoid roaming charges and you can search around for better rates wherever you are.

How much technical knowledge do I need to unlock my phone?

None at all. The instructions are easy to follow and simply require that you be able to enter the code unlocking number on your keypad. If you can dial a telephone number, you can unlock via code.

Can unlocking harm my phone?

No. Unlocking simply removes the network and SIM locks imposed by your network carrier. However, you should check your contract and paperwork to make sure that it doesn't affect your phone's warranty or that it breaks the terms and conditions of your contract. There is always the possibility that if you enter the wrong code (or a previous owner has tried) too many times that it will permanently lock your phone.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Human And Robots will do everything Together in Future

The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots.
It happens so that people and robots go together in this life side by side, in some spheres of life they are even interchangeable and who knows into what this opposition “Human and Robots” will translate. Robots and humans that live and prosper together…Or robots will realize they don’t need that much…

For now it is up to out fantasy to express what we think will happen in human-robot relations in the future. This is a collection of 3d computer generated images of various creative 3d artists that shows their vision. The level of detail of these computer graphics shows that our technology will lead us to the point where these fantastic photographs will be the reality.

Who will win in this game of chess? When there is the opposition of the mechanical creature and the human intellect it is not easy to predict the outcome of the game. You can make books, but you will never be sure about the results, they are unpredictable.

Facebook Search Engine comming soon with different style against google

What would it be like to use a search engine that is highly aware of our activities and preferences? Would this be possibly a more user-friendly site than the current search engine giant, Google? If so, you can look forward to the possibilities of Facebook establishing its own search engine with which the main idea is to make effective use of all data and content that come from Facebook users. From status updates as well as links to external videos and articles to promotion of products and services, Facebook can gain much from such considerable amount of information.
Google, on the other hand, has further made its presence known by launching the Google+ network last year. While Google has control of more than 67% of the search market within the United States alone and makes use of complex technologies for tracking more than one trillion Web pages, only a small number of search engineers have been employed by Facebook for information retrieval as well as language processing.
Nevertheless, the latter can still have a chance to contend as one of the most popular search engine sites due to an incredibly large amount of relevant data. To make improvements in its organization as well as in searching for it can just be the next most effective step in using such information. Regarding such rumors, Facebook has only stated that they do not comment on the speculations about their upcoming products and services.

3 Most Amazing Reasons Why blogger boost your earning

Building your business can be a difficult task. You can put hundreds of hours of effort into the business, but if you still dona€™t have important components, you will not be successful. Today business owners are realizing that blogging boosts business. Blogs are typically only seen as personal places to express yourself and your views.

The truth is however the blogs are also great places to reach people about your business or your products. There are several ways to do this type of blogging.

The best way a business can use blogging to boost their business is by taking part in the blogs of others. You can easily create quality posts with your business in mind without needing to set up a blog of your own. Try finding blogs that pertain to the area of business you are in. This will help you get started. With millions of blogs out there, you should be able to find some with no problem.

Choose to post on all of them, or choose the few that get the most activity. Then begin posting. When you do, you will see positive results come in. If you are still curious about how this can boost your business, check out these three reasons blogging boosts business.

Quick Name Recognition

The fastest way to get your businessa€™s name out in the public is to make it known to your targeted marketing group. If you want to get your companya€™s name out to men who like fishing, then you can find a blog that is about just that. When you find the blogs pertaining to this marketing group, post useful and intelligent information about topics that pertain to your company. You might not want to sound like an advertisement. Think about responding to another comment and simply tagging your signature with your companya€™s website. This is a subtle way to get their attention. The more you post on blogs, the more widely known your companya€™s name will become with the select marketing group. When they tell their friends and family about the site then your consumer group will have grown even more. This is a fast way to get started. You will have to invest some time however. At least an hour a day can be used for this type of task.

Consumer Testimonies

Your company might even think about hiring professionals to blog for your company. You can offer these employees products to try and give them the task of finding blogs where they can appropriately a€Å“praisea€ the product. By paying these people to do the task, you will be getting the work done that you need without having to devote much time. Consumer testimonials go a long way with other consumers. If these bloggers are productive enough, you will see an increase due to it.

Building Relationships

Smart business owners know that they can go further with the help of others. A great way to connect and build relationships with other businesses is via their blog. If you are a regular poster who values their business, they will be more likely to work with you. Working together with advertising is a great idea. You can swap ad space for no fee if you like. These are great things for business owners and are easy to get into when you blog regularly.

As you can see, blogging can be a great way to do business. It may seem like tricky advertising, and it is in some ways. However, it is free advertising that does the same thing as a commercial on television does. It reaches a targeted marketing group and lets them know your companya€™s name, products, and sometimes offers an endorsement. Overall, it is an effective way to get your business out there.

When people have no idea who you are, they are not going to feel comfortable working with you. The better your reputation is, the more likely they will trust you. When you have no reputation at all, they will not trust you either.

So, even if you just want to use blogging to build your companya€™s reputation, it will be worth your while. Give it a try and see what type of results you can get using these tips.

Is That True Twitter in more then addictive alchohol and cigrattes

Stay away from drugs, we tell our kids that. They are bad for you and on top of that, they are addictive. But maybe we should keep our kids away from Twitter too? It turns out that Social Media and specifically Twitter might be more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol…

Iphone Made Glass Phone in process Released in Future

Glass slippers may be a thing for fairy tales but what about glass phones? Yes, you’ve read that right. And its debut to reality might not be so far off either.
Apparently, Apple has filed an application to patent a design for a handheld device that features a case that is made entirely out of glass. The case would be formed from two pieces of glass attached together to make a see-through casing, hermetically sealed to provide water resistance.
Apple has also reportedly included a few advantages to this design in its patent application, saying that glass is “strong, stiff, and radio transparent” and that apart from it being pleasing to the eyes; a seamless glass enclosure will also ensure reduced contamination as well as moisture intrusion into the device.

However, an exterior made of glass may have a few disadvantages – remember the complaints about iPhone 4?. One such downside is that glass can break easily when dropped. And also, since a device like the iPhone contains a lot of sensors, it might spell a bunch of functional problems if housed within this type of enclosure.

Since this is only an application, sources have no idea what type of glass will be used or when we would see an iPhone or iPad encased in all glass. However, as both the iPhone 4 and 4s are made with a combination of glass pieces and a steel frame, it may not be long before Apple produces concept.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Google Chrome Give New feture to user Use Chrome in Every Android Phone

The world’s fastest browser on Android!? The super news shocked the users of Android! So now you could finally bring up your net surfing to a high speed level. Google has released Chrome for Android in the beta version, so it is obvious that it might be carrying some bugs in it but don’t panic since its beta version so in complete version they will come up with no bug update.

chrome beta android feature 550x320 Chrome Takes Turn To Android

chrome browser on android thumb 550xauto 82952 Chrome Takes Turn To Android

Now you can enjoy all your browsing, the same way as you do on your desktop chrome. The same tabs, your favourite websites and even that incognito window everything is now there on your Android smartphone or tablet. Moreover the good part is the direct desktop to smartphone/tablet synchronization. So that makes simple if you are signed in to your chrome on desktop, you can easily push open tabs to your smartphone/tablet. The auto complete suggestion and the synchronization of the bookmarks, every thing now is on the access of one swipe or touch!

Since Google is currently offering the beta version of Google Chrome on only Android 4.0 versions i.e on you will be able to run this if you have Ice-cream Sandwich. We are pretty sure that if such browser can land on Android than Google will port it to other platforms like 2.3 and 2.2 as well (atleast for 2.3 i.e Gingerbread) The reason behind it is that mostly of the smartphone are running on Gingerbread versions only 0.7 percent sits on Ice-cream Sandwich.

Take a look at the introduction of Chrome to Android!

Western Digital Lanuch New SATA 3 III TB Hard Drive for Desktop and Tower Users with Green BAck

See larger image ..... Find an excellent hard drive for your desktop. Famous choice that many people do are the Western Digital Caviar Green. They have capability for save your data. Now, on Western Digital Caviar Green Review I want to see how powerful this hard drive and how it can works for you. I just want to say that this Western Digital Caviar Green Review not absolutely true, so another review will important if you want to know more.

51LfdBX2B8NL AA300 Western Digital Caviar Green Review SATA III Desktop Hard Drive western digital reviews western digital hard drives western digital caviar green reviews Western Digital Caviar Green Review western digital caviar green 2tb western digital 2 tb caviar green western digital wd caviar green review
Western Digital Caviar Green Review SATA III Desktop Hard Drive

    Can reduce power consumption up to 40%
    Huge capacity
    Excellent hard drive
    Available in many storage option
    Low price
    Include 3 years warranty
    Western digital has a good reputation

Of course on this version it must be better then the previous. On this Western Digital Caviar Green Review you can see an experience for using that.

IntelliSeek can Calculates an optimum seek speeds to lower power consumption, noise, and vibration. It will perfect option if you matter with it.

Past view of Western Digital Caviar Green Review, it has has launched fairly a few attention-grabbing strains of desktop arduous drives in the last few years: the enthusiast Velociraptors, the very quick Black series, and the economic Inexperienced collection, like the Western Digital Caviar Green 3TB model. If you happen to assemble a performant PC today, you will end up installing the OS and functions on an SSD for speed and place media on a cheap & giant magnetic drive. Then this Western Digital Caviar Green Review will fine.

I exploit smaller SATA disks (2TB and below) in order to booting since they are often properly formatted utilizing APM. Then resume it on this Western Digital Caviar Green Review.

Efficiency for copying over 1TB of data from the old SATA disk to the Western Digital Caviar Green 3TB seemed fairly close to the 1.5Gbps interface speed of the SATA card, which was merely wonderful on this old G4 tower. The velocity, though, will not be noticeably slower than the opposite 7200RPM SATA disks (one Seagate 1TB and one Hitachi 2TB) I have installed in the machine. You will like this Western Digital Caviar Green Review.

Windows 8 Atleast give reinstall button for user now user does't insert and kind of dis MAC OS

There will come a time when you would need or want to reinstall your computer’s operating system. It may be because your PC is infected with a virus, it is running too slow, or you simply want to refresh your Windows OS.

windows 8 preview issues 1 Windows 8 Reinstall Button, Doesn’t Need a Disc ala Mac OS X

Previously, when a user needs to reinstall Windows you need to have an installation disc before you can proceed with the process. But, the period when you need a day in order to finish reconfiguring your OS as well as your applications is now over because of the efficiency that the latest Windows version will provide.

Microsoft will be offering a simple and convenient way of reinstalling Windows 8 to your desktop, notebook, laptop, or tablet. Actually, this option is already available for Mac OS X. You won’t need an installer disc because you just need to click the reinstall button at Windows 8’s general settings. Also, the refresh process is faster and enables you to reformat your OS without deleting your files or some of your applications. The process is easy because the restore function is created directly into the device’s operating system.

Lumia Phone Leaked Pics Nokia Give new Lumia pics foer specs update

Nokia’s new phone gets a new colorful profile, reports say after a series of concept photos has been leaked out from China along with a list of specs and features.

lumiapureview leak Nokia PureView Lumia Phone: Leaked Pics and Specs Update

Already creating buzz in the tech world with its 41 megapixel camera, the Nokia Lumia PureView once again takes the spotlight with new images that feature a very unique curved design coming in three bright colors of black, yellow, and magenta.

While the new design may be too unique for some people’s tastes, the list of specs that were leaked with it may be something to consider. The PureView Lumia features specs that include: a 4.3-inch curved touchscreen with high definition resolution, full 1080p HD recording with Rich Recording Technology, a yet unknown dual core processor (possibly something similar to Qualcomm’s S4 processor) with an Adreno 320 GPU, and the 41MP camera sensor on a Carl Zeiss lens. A closer inspection of the leaked images reveals that the Windows logo it uses is the new Windows 8, leading to the conclusion that the new Nokia smartphone may come out with the Windows Phone 8 as its operating system.

Online sources seem skeptical about this design concept, deeming it an unlikely course coming from Nokia. And while these details have yet to be confirmed by a representative from Nokia or Microsoft, there’s also no news of the contrary. Since it is indeed a very unusual design, it is highly possible that Nokia will do some fine-tuning before the phone comes out in public.

Also unknown as of now is when and where this new smartphone will be released as well as how much something like this will cost.

Microsoft Give Feteure to Windows Phone User Microsoft creating new premium app

As the largest software creator in the world challenges its competitors, Microsoft has recently been reported to be paying developers to bring popular apps to the Windows Phone. This is expected to put them at a competitive position against other aggressive players in the market, such as Apple, in making use of brand-name apps.

windows phone popular apps Microsoft Outsourcing Devs To Create Premium Apps For Windows Phone

With this, app makers will be paid by Microsoft to develop a version of these apps for the Windows Phone, such as the mobile social network Foursquare and the Cheezburger Network, a large set of entertaining and humorous sites. Aside from these, Microsoft has also been said to pay developers from $60,000 to $600,000 in order to create apps from similarly popular and recently developing brands to upgrade its app catalog.

Compared to the Apple’s iOS or Google Android, Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform remains to be at a basic level with which its number of apps remain at around 65,000 whereas the iOS is close to 600,000 and Android got more than 400,000. Microsoft partnered with Nokia in the previous year to come up with the Lumia handset series, and thus would determine if their joint venture will fare well in the future – numbers don’t lie.

As the Windows Phone platform does not feature a large assortment of apps, Microsoft has decided to boost their catalog by paying for premium apps to be integrated into the Windows Phone platform and fill out its app store. Only time will tell if this strategy will pay off.

Tegra Release New Google Tablet in Cheap Price with Amazing View

Stepping into the tablet market and getting its share in the limelight from the Apple and Amazon dominated tablet industry is Google’s latest ambitious step. Such move is even made formidable with the US internet giant and Taiwan’s Asustek Computer partnership.

google tablet Google Tablet: Cheap Price and Release Powered By Tegra 3?

Apparently, the tablet’s current design is ready to hit the stores in May. Google decided to delay its release by adding two more months to its original birthday. Honestly speaking, this is not something that we should all be worried about. There is a very good reason behind all these.

The new 7-inch Google tablet is built with an Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, a quad-core and a Wi-Fi only connectivity. The company plans to drop it down to a dual-core chip while maintaining its competitive status against the 1 GHz, dual-core TI OMAP 4 chip of Amazon’s Kindle Fire.

Designed for Android 4.0, it is one of the best alternatives to Apple’s iOS. Google’s Android OS has an open-source nature which makes it more appealing to many hardware makers in making an Android-based device.

Google’s reason in delaying the tablet’s sale is more on price issues. Initially, the tablet bears the tag price of $249 which is $50 higher than Amazon’s Kindle Fire. Likewise, the iPad is starting to look isolated with its $499 retail price against their competitors who are targeting the budget-conscious consumers who occupy a bigger share in the market.

With its anticipated launch in July and a new $199 targeted retail value, the Google tablet could just prove to live up to the “slowly but surely” success story.

China Made Stylish Lenovo K71 Smart TV in Less Prices and amazing and new style

Shortly after an announcement was made about how users can synchronize their personal files between their mobile gadgets and PCs through cloud storage, Lenovo makes a bolder move to bridge smartphones, PCs, televisions and tablets by using the company’s cloud computing services. Such is the reason behind the launch of Lenovo’s Smart TV. The said event is slated to occur in China where Lenovo would usually launch their newest gadgets first before they land in other international markets.

lenovo k71 android smart tv 1 Lenovo K71 ICS Smart TV: Price and Specs Made For China

Earlier this year, the smart TV was finally unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show. Its Android 4.0 OS allows it to run mobile apps and its voice recognition feature enables one to deliver various commands. With a 1.5 dual-core processor, the smart TV comes in four LED screen models measured at 42-inch and 55-inch sizes. Three of these models even have a flicker-free 3D feature.

While not really expecting much from the product sales, Lenovo believes it is best to use the product as a springboard to test the smart TV market. In the end, CEO Yang Yuanqing may prove himself correct with this humble yet fearless strategy.

The 42-inch Lenovo K71 model will be on sale at the end of the month and was priced at 6499 yuan (US$1,029). Prices and release dates of the other models are still unknown at the moment.

Google Lanuch Glass With New Features in Next Year

Apparently, Google has been giving their glasses a cool design to make them wearable by anyone who wants to view visual information in front of their eyes, from today’s temperature to real-time messages from friends. Known as Project Glass, this enterprise at the Google X lab has released photos online and had a video posted on YouTube (see below) this week as a preview to Google’s latest accomplishment in generating an improved pair of specs. The video suggested that users can further explore and connect with the world using significantly enhanced glasses.

google project glass 1 Google Project Glass: New Features, Release Date Until Next Year

On the Google+ page of Project Glass, a post has invited readers to be updated as the company continues to provide their stories and ideas, and that they would prefer to hear from the public about the features that they would want to see in Project Glass. Undoubtedly, the specs’ white, thin frame gives it a sleek and highly futuristic design. Researchers at Google have already tested the glasses using a heads-up display run by Android.

This project for augmented reality glasses has stirred various positive and negative comments alike whereas its design principal has also admitted whether the public will be open nd receptive to the glasses’ features. Nevertheless, it is expected to be put up for sale sometime this year for an estimated price similar as that of a typical smartphone.

Saturday 7 April 2012

New Feture in Android Device block every unwanted calls from your phone and send out automatic sms from your phone

Considering the ease in which data can be obtained and shared, it’s not particularly hard to gather a person’s contact details for purpose of spam, harassment, or cold calls.

Neither Android nor iOS – the world’s two most popular mobile device platforms – offer much in terms of features for blocking or filtering prank, ad, or just generally unwanted correspondence. If someone (or some bot) is continually barraging your inbox or call log, there’s not really that much you can do, short of contacting your carrier and setting up a block remotely.

Root Call Blocker Pro logo

Going through all that trouble seems a little excessive, but there comes a time for most of us when we could do with blocking a number – if only temporarily – for whatever reason, and this is where apps like Root Call Blocker for Android steps into the fray.


As the name quite openly suggests, the app requires root access, but thereafter, provides a watertight blocking and filtering system for both calls and SMS. It operates silently, and the root daemon ensures blocking 100% of the time. You can opt to select whether or not you wish to be notified when a certain caller or number is blocked, and you can configure it to block those unknown and restricted numbers.

unnamed (3)

There are five reject methods in total, ranging from the basic "Don’t Answer" to the pre-meditated, automated SMS reply. The trial version allows you to add one item, although the Pro iteration costs five dollars, and offers unlimited access all of the features the app has to offer.

Another app to add to the growing list of reasons to root your Android, Root Call Blocker is the sort of app we only but wish could be a staple part of Google’s mobile OS at stock level. The chances of the Big G implementing such a feature-packed blocker to the end-user would seem speculative at best, but with such a good app already in our midst, there’s no need to tolerate the unwanted calls and messages anymore.

    Download  Root Call Blocker Free for Android [Google Link]
    Download  Root Call Blocker Pro for Android [Google  Link]

Facebook Launch New Device For And App Security Stolen Rooted Androaid IOS

A certain amount of hysteria has arisen today after a report suggested that a security vulnerability in Facebook’s mobile apps could lead potentially to identity theft.

Having carried out a series of tests, developer Gareth Wright reported that since many app developers save values in plain text plists as opposed to binaries, sensitive information could easily be compromised if fallen into the wrong hands.

He looked at the immensely popular Draw Something app, and noticed a plain text Facebook access token, copied the hash, and tested a few FQL queries. He then discovered he could pull essentially any information from his Facebook account. After sending the plist around to a few trusted associates, he was pretty awestruck to notice they could easily update his status, send messages, and essentially use his account.

Having contacted Facebook about the issues, he noted:

    Facebook are aware and working on closing the hole, but unless app developers follow suit and start encrypting the 60 day access token Facebook supplies, it’s only a matter of time before someone starts using the info for ill purpose…if they aren’t already.

As TechCrunch correctly points out, though, the threat is only prevalent if a device is actually stolen, and even if it were, it would need to be jailbroken – or rooted, if you’re an Android user – in order for any serious damage to occur. If your jailbroken/rooted device was to be snatched, however, an unscrupulous individual could have a field day with your contacts, cookies, as well as access to app and account information.

Truthfully speaking, the key is not to get your device snatched, and Wright’s findings also reiterate the importance of having some form of remote wipe implementation in place to at least rescue the data from your doomed device.

Facebook has tried to calm the situation by releasing a clarifying statement:

    "Access tokens are only vulnerable if they have modified their mobile OS [jailbroken or rooted] or have granted  a malicious actor access to the physical device. We develop and test our application on an unmodified version of mobile operating systems and rely on the native protections as a foundation for development, deployment and security, all of which is compromised on a jailbroken device."

Facebook then goes on to recommend users stay away from jailbreaking / modding in any way that could increase the security risk. Since we’re strong advocates of the freedom of jailbreaking, we’d simply add that as long as you have a remote wipe system in place, you should be absolutely fine.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Apple Launch New Iphone 5 with large LCD 4.6"inch" Exclusive

Apple’s new iPhone 5 will have a sharper and bigger 4.6-inch retina display and is set to be launched around the 2nd quarter, Reuter says.
As a result, we don’t intend to be hit twice by the same driver in the iPhone 5 rumours and we’ll hopefully get to the bottom of these rumours before the iPhone 5 announcement strikes us with different news. The first iPhone 5 rumour decided to start with the iPhone 5 shape and more specifically, screen size. Before we go on with the Reuters report that claimed to know the size of the iPhone 5’s screen, let’s first give you a hint of what has been going on with the previous iPhones’ screen sizes and iUsers opinions and wishes.

But exciting as this rumor might all be, we seriously doubt its credibility. Because switching from a 3.5″ to a 4.6″ display is as drastic a change as you can imagine and such drastic changes risk alienating some customers. And when you have a user base as large and loyal as the one Apple has, that’s the last thing you would want to do.

So while we’d love to see an iPhone with a larger screen and as soon as possible, we don’t think any of this is happening. And 4.6″ might be stretching it anyway, so we are not really sure you should feel bad about it.

New SmartPhones Screen Is Above 4.5 inches in recent survey

A recent survey, performed by Strategy Analytics in the UK and US amongst current smartphone users, shows that more than 90% of consumers seek larger screens than those found on devices they currently own.
The explanation for this is that more and more people use their smartphones for web browsing, watching video and video conferencing, as well as mobile gaming. And as we all know, all of these are better on a bigger screen.

Some differences in size preference exist dependent on the segment.  Females are more likely to consider slightly smaller devices than males. Existing Android owners are more likely to seek larger devices than existing Apple iPhone owners.

Strategy Analytics suggested that any increase in screen size must not be accompanied by a similar increase in thickness or weight, because devices must remain compact enough to fit inside purses and pockets.

iPad’s Misleading 4G In Australia beacse of APPLE Australian Government Announce to close IPAD 4G

Apple is facing trouble everywhere for highlighting its products and showing their quality and performance more than actually what they could deliver. Now Apple is being sued by the Australian government’s Competition and Consumer Commission for making misleading claims about new iPad offering 4G, because their device is not compatible with the 4G networks operating in Australia.

Apple’s new iPad received much hype before its release and after its launch in the market earlier this month, it had been sold really quickly as is often the case with anything new with Apple. Within its first week of release, more than three million units were sold in ten countries, including the U.S. and Australia. But since then, the picture has not been good about the new iPad. Customers have started complaining about getting heated up quickly and charging very slow.

The problem that the Australian government has with Apple’s labeling is that it does not specify the 4G networks the device would work on. Hence, Australian government wants Apple to correct the labeling before it takes serious action in court against this misleading act. Also, before this product arrives here in Pakistan, a company selling Apple’s product should make sure that it runs along with the networks here.

Day by day, Apple’s products are losing their pristine appeal of being so reliable as Apple is facing lawsuits not just for patents, but also in terms of the environment, labour laws and now product quality and misleading advertisements. Somebody needs to run Apple right.

Ready To Sale Black Berry Touchscreen with amazing Fetures

While yes, the BlackBerry Bold is a pretty slick looking update to the hallowed BlackBerry line, it still sports a physical keyboard — clearly a quaint remnant of smartphones from a bygone era. What the people want these days are touchscreens, beautiful, difficult to use touchscreens. And that's just what RIM is going to deliver with the BlackBerry Thunder.

The Boy Genius has a bunch of new details on the upcoming touchscreen BlackBerry, including the interesting tidbit that it'll be a lifetime exclusive on Verizon in the US and Vodafone in Europe. It'll have a mere four physical keys and will run on 3G EV-DO Rev. C as well as GSM HSPA for international use. No word on when this thing is going to drop, or whether or not anyone who uses a Blackberry will allow a physical QWERTY keyboard to be pried from their grip, but we'll keep you updated.

Oh, and that image above is merely a mock-up of what a touchscreen BlackBerry might look like, not an actual product rendering.

Microsoft have new plan for XBOX 720 Release

Microsoft have planned to release the Xbox 720 at Xmas, 2013, according to VG247.
The new console will feature a Blu-ray drive and 2 GPU’s according to the online site.
Codenamed ‘Durango’, the new Xbox will also require an always-on internet connection in an attempt to stop anti-piracy.
The sources also quote that the specifications will include either quad or six core processors and that the graphics cards featured in the new Xbox will be equivalent to AMD’s 700 series GPU’s, but not ‘Crossfire’ or ‘SLI’.
The rumours follow last week’s report that Sony’s PlayStation 4, codenamed Orbis, will also be powered by AMD hardware.

Get A Latest And Amazing Samsung Galaxy S III 4.65-inch Super LED Screen

Samsung’s Galaxy S III is now beginning to reach iPhone-like levels of rumor mongering and excitement, and today sees a new rumor surrounding the unannounced handset.

The follow-up to two of Samsung’s most loved devices, the Galaxy S and Galaxy S II, the third incarnation has been kept very much under wraps by Samsung, leaving the fanboys and technology press to fill the void with various rumors. The latest suggests that the device may be set to be the recipient of a new screen, and one that will surely be an impressive one if the specs are accurate.


DDaily is reporting that the Samsung Galaxy S III will sport a 4.65-inch Super AMOLED Plus display which would be the first of its kind. Featuring a 720p display, the screen would set the Galaxy S III apart from the competition, and in a time where HTC is clearly intent on pushing the envelope with its HTC One lineup, Samsung would do well to offer something impressive with its latest smartphone.

Samsung’s current top of the line screen is the 4.65-inch Super AMOLED screen found in the Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S II HD LTE handsets, and with the Koreans saying that Samsung intends to double down on AMOLED technology for its screens, this new smartphone may see the best AMOLED display we have seen yet.
The real question still on everyone’s lips centers around the release date of this rather interesting phone. While Samsung is keeping quiet on the whole affair, yet more rumors in Korea suggest that the handset is currently in the hands of the country’s carriers. Tests will need to be carried about by those carriers before the device goes on sale, suggesting that the release may now be drawing near. With Samsung originally expected to announce the handset at this year’s Mobile World Congress, those eyeing up a new smartphone purchase this year are already beginning to get itchy buying fingers.

HTC is also adding its own pressure, and with an impressive line in HTC One handsets, the firm is set to give Samsung a run for its money, especially in the premium handset market.

Samsung will be hoping that loyal customers won’t be too tempted to look into the HTC handsets before the Galaxy S III finds its way into stores.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Download Latest ITunes Specially for windows and mac

The latest release, that should be starting to appear as an update around the world right now is mainly one that brings bug fixes and existing feature improvements rather than introducing any new functionality. The version of the software that was made public after the Apple media event featured all of the updates for iOS 5.1, Apple TV third-generation and the new iPad, with iTunes 10.6.1 seemingly being pushed to fix any bugs that are found within.

The official Apple changelog for iTunes 10.6.1 is as follows:

        Fixes several issues that may cause iTunes to unexpectedly quit while playing videos, changing artwork size in grid view, and syncing photos to devices.
        Addresses an issue where some iTunes interface elements are incorrectly described by VoiceOver and WindowEyes.
        Fixes a problem where iTunes may become unresponsive while syncing nano or iPod Shuffle.
        Resolves an ordering problem while browsing TV episodes in  your iTunes library on Apple TV.

iTunes update

A number of disgruntled users have taken to the official Apple support forums over the last few weeks to make their feelings known about the embedded bugs in iTunes 10.6. In fairness to Apple, they seem to have reacted extremely quickly to the complaints and hopefully those affected users should see the problems eradicated with this update. This latest 10.6.1 offering will of course still feature all of the goodness that we have come to expect from iTunes, including support for the new iPad as well as the third-generation Apple TV that was launched just over a week ago.

Apple are also pointing users to the official security support page that will no doubt be updated in due course with all of the relevant information pertaining to the iTunes 10.6.1 release. If the update isn’t showing for you, make sure you keep checking periodically, it shouldn’t be too long until it pops up.

To update simply fire up the Software Update utility on your PC or Mac and you should be presented with the iTunes 10.6.1 update, if so, then simply hit the Install button and you’re good to go. Those downloading iTunes for the first time may head over to this link.

Easy Download Gmail File in Android Phone and save in your SD Card

Despite being an open mobile operating system which offers more freedom than competing platforms, Android comes with a bunch of small but nonetheless frustrating limitations. One such limitation is Gmail’s limited support for different file formats; it plays well with things like PDFs, DOCs and AVIs, but when it comes to ZIP files and other, lesser known formats such as 7z, the popular email client simply denies the user from downloading it. Further, Gmail doesn’t let you save attachments to specified locations on your device’s internal memory or SD card.

Both of these shortcomings are easily solved with an app we’ll be talking about in this post. Check it out after the jump!

unnamed (3)

Developed by Poofinc Studios, Gmail Attachment Download is an easy-to-use app that lets you download any attachment from Gmail and place it anywhere on your device.

Gmail Attachment Download doesn’t come with any app icon and is only activated when you attempt downloading an attachment from Gmail, so it is more of a plugin than a standalone app.

To get it to work, you simply press view/preview in Gmail and select Gmail Attachment Download when the option comes up. This launches the plugin from where you can select the exact path where the attachment will be saved. You then tap Save file and voila!, the attachment is saved for later use.

We’ve tested the app on a Samsung Galaxy S II (Android 4.0.3 ICS) and can confirm that it works as advertised.

2012-04-01 13.52.10

Gmail Attachment Download is more of a necessity than anything else. If you use Gmail on your Android device (who doesn’t?), you really need to install this app.

Gmail Attachment Download is a free, ad-supported app [Google Play]. It works on all Android devices on version 2.1 and up. The app also apparently works on other email clients, but we weren’t able to test this.

New Top 5 Technology Trends For twenties centry

With the End-of-Year Countdown firmly underway, We’ve taken time to reflect on the last twelve months to give our forecast of the top five trends for the year ahead.
If we’re right, the forecast for the next twelve months will have some sunny days, although mainly cloudy with occasional outbreaks of rain, and we could even experience some wintry conditions!

1. People Vs Technology
At the end of October we saw the world population reach seven billion. While this saw many debating if the planet would have enough resources to sustain us all, I was puzzled by a different conundrum – if there are now five billion mobile handsets in operation across the globe, a billion of which were connected in the last two years, which is growing faster? And, while it’s fairly obvious which is, what will happen if the level of connections are maintained? I’ll put my neck out and say I believe that, GSM will possibly match the number of people on this earth by 2013/14 and could even exceed the population growth by the end of 2014.

2. Home Vs Office
While many are worried by the euro-zone crisis, back here on home soil I don’t see our financial situation dramatically improving – in fact things are set to get worse before they get better. For the whole population, inflation – measured by the retail prices index – has jumped by 14.4 per cent since September 2007 and businesses are feeling the pinch too. Office space is at a premium, utility bills continue to rise, fuel duty is set to put the pump price even higher, and I could go on but you get the picture. I believe people, and the companies they work for, will start to think smarter about where they work.
The way I see this playing out is businesses looking to reduce their overheads, and employees looking to cut their spending, will both look to embrace home working. I do have some hard statistics on which to make this predication as, earlier this year, my company conducted a study that revealed that 82 percent more people are working from home this year than they did last year. We may even see more organisations move to become completely ‘virtual’.
Let’s face it, we’re all grown ups so don’t need constant supervision, and with technological advancements this is a viable alternative. Instead of the daily trudge to the office, employees will remotely connect to the organisation’s infrastructure – securely I hope. Physical interaction will be replaced by conference calls, with weekly or even monthly creation and collaboration opportunities pre-arranged to exchange information.

3. Hardware Vs Software
For many years I’ve argued that hardware based tokens have had their day. But, in March this year, EMC’s RSA division fell victim to hackers. Subsequently, Lockheed Martin – one of EMC’s clients, suffered a breach that was blamed on its reliance of hardware tokens and proves my point that these tokens are fundamentally flawed. I see two things happening over the next twelve months in this area.

a) Now that the criminals have realised where the keys to everyone’s kingdom are kept, we will see more attacks against organisations, like RSA, who store their clients’ seed files. The fact is malicious individuals understand that this information can be compromised and what they can do with it- it’s been proven! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the most secure method of two-factor authentication is to randomly generate any required keys within the customer’s own environment.

b) Organisations will move from hardware to software based tokens to authenticate users.
While you could say this isn’t really a prediction, as in truth the exodus to tokenless has already started, I’ll bravely put a figure against it and say 50% of all hardware tokens will be replaced with tokenless two factor authentication by this time next year.

4. Data Continues To Go Mobile
This next prophecy is based on the predication from another, Ericsson – it has predicted that mobile data traffic will increase tenfold by 2016. I obviously concur with this theory, but I also believe the knock-on effect of this trend is how this data is moved and accessed. Therefore, my prediction is that remote access will also increase proportionally – sticking my neck out I guesstimate this to be 40% by 2016. However, mobile data poses a risk to an organisations security so, this will mean companies needing to secure this vulnerable data. Authentication will be a key consideration so, theoretically, this should also grow by 40%.

5. Green IT
Trying to predict the future shape of the government’s green policy is extremely difficult, and I’m not the best placed person to do this anyway. However, what is more certain is that its green policy is a good deal more certain than many other aspects of government policy as the general direction of travel, in favour of low-carbon development, remains clear and is as guaranteed as any national priority can be by the Climate Change Act.
One simple way business can look to reduce their carbon footprint is by moving from hardware tokens, to tokenless authentication. For example, it would require 1,673 trees to offset the emissions created in deploying 3,000 physical tokens. With soft tokens not even a branch has to be sacrificed.