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Apple Resease Information About IPAD battery indicator

There was another small dust-up this week over the new iPad and its battery, following a rash of complaints that the device charges too slowly.

Human And Robots will Do everything together in future

The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots.

Google chrome give new feture to user use chrome in every android phone

The world’s fastest browser on Android!? The super news shocked the users of Android! So now you could finally bring up your net surfing to a high speed level.

Apple Launch New Iphone5 with large LCD 4.6 inch

Apple’s new iPhone 5 will have a sharper and bigger 4.6-inch retina display and is set to be launched around the 2nd quarter, Reuter says.

New Top 5 Technology Trends For Twenties Centry

With the End-of-Year Countdown firmly underway, We’ve taken time to reflect on the last twelve months to give our forecast of the top five trends for the year ahead.

Friday 13 April 2012

Windows 8 Features and available date 64bit 32 bit for OS and developer tools

Windows, being one of the most used OS, brings great challenges for Microsoft to keep its users impressed in the next version of Windows.

Although Windows 7 has done exceptionally well since its release, Microsoft has been constantly working to make the next version of Windows a better one by further improving upon the existing features, and have added new impressive Windows 8 features along with a stunning UI.

Microsoft released the early version of Windows 8 on a prototype tablet last week. Those of you who would like to taste and experience the all new Windows 8, you can download the Developer Preview, which is currently in pre-beta version. The developer version shows off the current stage of the OS. It is available for free download, and comes in three different packages:

    (1) 64-bit version – Only the OS
    (2) 32-bit version – Only the OS
    (3) 64-bit version with developer tools

Windows 8 Features

Windows 8 offers a number of new Windows 8 features from its all new UI to Windows App Store and improvised security features. Here’s a list of new features and improvements which will arrive with Windows 8:
Support for both x86 PCs and ARM tablets

Windows 8 is the first edition of Windows which will work on both ARM based tablets and traditional x86 (as well as x32 and x64) PCs based on ARM processors from Intel and AMD.

“Support for ARM-based chipsets, touch, and sensors makes Windows 8 work beautifully on your choice of a full spectrum of devices, such as 10-inch slates with all-day battery life, ultra-lightweight laptops, and powerful all-in-ones with 27-inch high-definition screens,” Microsoft contends, in a Windows 8 Guide distributed with Windows Developer Preview
Windows To Go

The “Windows To Go” seems to be an exciting feature that basically allows Windows 8 to boot from a USB device (called as Live USB), including user’s programs, settings and files. The feature is designed to work with both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0, and on both legacy NIOS and UDFI firmware. However, Microsoft says that a user will not be able to “Hibernate” with this feature.

Windows 8“Windows To Go is a new feature in Windows 8 that enables enterprise administrators to create USB drives containing complete, managed Windows images that users can use to boot and run Windows on any Windows 7 or Windows 8 capable computer. Windows To Go makes it possible for employees to use a managed device whether they work from home, a client office or in a free seating environment. This session will discuss Windows To Go, its hardware requirements and building compatible and complementary software.”

Another interesting thing about this feature is that, if the USB drive is removed, Windows will automatically freeze, but will continue to operate if the USB drive is inserted back in the next 60 seconds after removal.
Windows Store

To compete with Apple, Windows has confirmed the introduction of a Windows Store, similar to Mac App Store, which allows users to browse through Windows applications, while developers can publish their Metro-style apps on Windows 8 devices.

Few days back, Microsoft gave a strategic view of its app store, and gave a quick demo on how it works. Microsoft revealed that the Windows App Store will be the only place where users can access the Metro-styled apps. Here’s a quick demo that shows how users will be able to buy their apps:

Ipad Most Amazing Feature launched in china Controlled Your yacht with IPAD China

The Adastra super yacht is 140 feet long, weighs 52 tons, and can travel 4,000 nautical miles at 17 knots, enough to get you from the U.S. to Europe. Designed by John Shuttleworth and constructed in China by McConaghy Boats, the Adastra can fit up to nine guests along with its six crew members. All that and you can control the vessel from your iPad. You can see more of the Cylon Raider of the sea in the gallery below.

China Beat every record of google 700 million people open and read google in china

Google data centers are known all over the world for their eco friendliness, so the word of three brand new data centers to open in China is a welcome piece of news in the industry.

Despite political tension between US and China, and some uncomfortable past experiences regarding search censorship and the infamous hacking incident, Google is bringing its ethical data center practices to Asia with $700 million total investment, said Google’s Asian-Pacific President Daniel Alegre.

If past experience of eco-friendly data centers is anything to go by the new center will be built according to the green standards Google has embraced in all of its data centers and offices since the beginning of the company.

This time around Google is piloting a unique cooling system to be used at the Taiwan data center. According to a Google spokesperson, the new method is based on nighttime cooling and thermal energy storage system. Large quantities of water will be cooled at night when the temperatures are at their lowest and power resources more readily available. Cool water will be stored in special insulated tanks where the low temperatures will be retained. In the daytime when temperatures rise and power is more costly, this cold water will be used to cool the data center.

In the past Google data centers became famous for using ‘free’ cooling techniques such as using the surrounding air and used toilet water to cool Google facilities.

The new data centers in China will provide users faster access to a variety of Google products and help meet the high demand for online services in the fastest growing new Internet user community in the world.

The opening of the $300 million Taiwan center is scheduled for the second half of 2013, with the other two centers to follow later.

With the construction of data centers in Hong Kong and Singapore already in progress, Google boasts a presence in 12 countries in the Asia Pacific region, including Indonesia and Thailand. The Eastern expansion of the global giant can mean more business opportunities and better connectivity in that region.

Blackberry Playbook with amazing features and more comfortable then blackberry phone

After experiencing both the ups and downs in the smartphone market, Research In Motion (RIM) is now trying to make its way in the tablet industry as well. The new Blackberry PlayBook tablet is the company’s first effort in this regard. Released in April 2011, this tablet is working really hard to make some productive revenue for its developers, if nothing else. We’ll now take a look at the goods and bads of this device in detail. So jump in!
Blackberry PlayBook Specs and Features
The tablet features 1 GHz dual core processor and 1 GB of Random-Access Memory (RAM). It has a distinctive 7-inch LCD screen with WSVGA 1024 x 600 pixel resolution,and acapacitive panel with multi-touch capabilities. The compact screenmakes this tabletreally handy by reducing its total weight to 0.9 lbs, which is much lighter as compared to the iPad.
PlayBook is backed by the new Blackberry Tablet OS with QNX technology, an operating system that also supports symmetric multiprocessing. The device also flaunts twin 1080p HD cameras ideal for making high-quality videos and video conferencing. The rear camera is 5 mega-pixels and the front-facing camera is 3 mega-pixels, definitely better than the low-quality iPad cameras in every way.Not just that, this Blackberry Tablet also have 1080p HDMI output; GPS; accelerometer; stereo speakers and microphones; digital compass; micro USB port; and 6-axis motion sensor (gyroscope). In terms of connectivity, the device can be connected through Bluetooth (2.1+ EDR) or Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n).Later, it will be updated to support WiMax, LTE, and HSPA+ as well, probably by the end of this year.
The Blackberry PlayBook release took place on April 19, 2011 with Best Buy being its preferred retailer in the USA. The device is available in three models, differentiating each other on the basis of external storage and also prices. Therefore, the 16 GB PlayBook is priced at $499, 32 GB at $599, and the 64 GB version is available at $699 in North America.

BlackBerry Faq's And unlocking tips and tricks

First, you should understand why phones are locked in the first place. Network providers lock phones so that that you are forced to use their network at their rates. No other SIM card will work in their phones. You cannot take advantage of better rates from other providers. A locked phone is subject to roaming charges.

When you unlock your phone, you are free of these restrictions. There is no more restriction placed on the phone by a network carrier.

Are there advantages to unlocking my phone?

After a phone is unlocked, you are free to use any network and any SIM card of your choosing. You can insert and use SIM cards purchased while abroad and take advantage of better rates for calls and SMS messaging.

You no longer pay roaming charges, and you can switch back and forth between carriers/networks. Other advantages are the increased resale value of your phone. Locking is a guaranteed safe procedure for your phone and cannot harm it.

What is a SIM?

A SIM stands for a 'subscriber information module'. It is a chip inserted into a GSM handset and allows the phone to work within a given network. It identifies who you are, knows to send calls to you when your number is dialed and also controls your calling rates according to your contract or pay-as-you go carrier plan.

How do I know if my phone is locked or not?

That's a simple one. Just borrow a SIM card from a friend that comes from an alternative carrier from yours. If the phone works, your phone is unlocked. If you get an error message, it means that your phone is locked.

Do I have to unlock my phone every time I change SIM cards?

No. Once unlocked, your phone stays unlocked.

Do I save money by unlocking my phone?

Yes. While you will still be paying your provider the usual monthly rate, you can save money by using other SIM cards for other regions or countries if you are traveling. You can avoid roaming charges and you can search around for better rates wherever you are.

How much technical knowledge do I need to unlock my phone?

None at all. The instructions are easy to follow and simply require that you be able to enter the code unlocking number on your keypad. If you can dial a telephone number, you can unlock via code.

Can unlocking harm my phone?

No. Unlocking simply removes the network and SIM locks imposed by your network carrier. However, you should check your contract and paperwork to make sure that it doesn't affect your phone's warranty or that it breaks the terms and conditions of your contract. There is always the possibility that if you enter the wrong code (or a previous owner has tried) too many times that it will permanently lock your phone.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Human And Robots will do everything Together in Future

The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots.
It happens so that people and robots go together in this life side by side, in some spheres of life they are even interchangeable and who knows into what this opposition “Human and Robots” will translate. Robots and humans that live and prosper together…Or robots will realize they don’t need that much…

For now it is up to out fantasy to express what we think will happen in human-robot relations in the future. This is a collection of 3d computer generated images of various creative 3d artists that shows their vision. The level of detail of these computer graphics shows that our technology will lead us to the point where these fantastic photographs will be the reality.

Who will win in this game of chess? When there is the opposition of the mechanical creature and the human intellect it is not easy to predict the outcome of the game. You can make books, but you will never be sure about the results, they are unpredictable.

Facebook Search Engine comming soon with different style against google

What would it be like to use a search engine that is highly aware of our activities and preferences? Would this be possibly a more user-friendly site than the current search engine giant, Google? If so, you can look forward to the possibilities of Facebook establishing its own search engine with which the main idea is to make effective use of all data and content that come from Facebook users. From status updates as well as links to external videos and articles to promotion of products and services, Facebook can gain much from such considerable amount of information.
Google, on the other hand, has further made its presence known by launching the Google+ network last year. While Google has control of more than 67% of the search market within the United States alone and makes use of complex technologies for tracking more than one trillion Web pages, only a small number of search engineers have been employed by Facebook for information retrieval as well as language processing.
Nevertheless, the latter can still have a chance to contend as one of the most popular search engine sites due to an incredibly large amount of relevant data. To make improvements in its organization as well as in searching for it can just be the next most effective step in using such information. Regarding such rumors, Facebook has only stated that they do not comment on the speculations about their upcoming products and services.